About Us

Guru Ravindra Nath Tagore Public School, Our school provides students with diverse opportunities to develop key career skills, including leadership, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork. We focus on technical skills such as coding, data analysis, and digital literacy, preparing students for careers in fields like healthcare, engineering, marketing, entrepreneurship, and more, fostering success in a dynamic world.

GRNTSS Placement Opportunities

Placement Camps at GRNTSS

At GRNTSS, we believe in bridging the gap between education and career. That's why we organize placement camps at the end of each training batch, inviting top companies and placement agencies from Rajasthan and beyond to offer job opportunities to our successful trainees.

Our placement camps provide a direct opportunity for trainees to meet employers, receive placement offers, and even get offer letters on-site. Over the years, GRNTSS has proudly placed over 1,060 trainees in diverse roles and industries, empowering them to build successful careers.

Our Tie-Up Companies

We have partnered with a wide range of reputable companies and organizations to provide our trainees with the best placement opportunities. Here is a list of our current tie-up companies:

Building Future Leaders: GRNTSS School Children Growth

At GRNTSS, we aim to shape the future of our students by equipping them with the essential skills for tomorrow's workforce. Here's how we help our students grow: